Aerial obstacles
Security policy regulations regarding air obstacles
The air space around the airport is secured against all aerial obstacles, in order to allow for safe and uninterrupted air traffic operations.
For this purpose, areas with limits imposed with regards to the height of buildings and natural objects have been determined in the vicinity of airports must meet the requirements of international (ICAO), European (EASA) and national regulations. The map of the boundary surfaces and the list of aerial obstacles is approved by the President of the Civil Aviation Office and transferred to local governments around the airport.
Under Art. 87 and 874 of the Aviation Law Act of 3 July 2002, natural and artificial objects, including buildings located within the limits of obstacle limiting surfaces cannot be higher than the heights defined for these surfaces. While calculating the height of the object, taken into account are also chimneys, advertisements, antennas and other devices placed on them, and – in the case of roads or railway lines – also their extremes. Furthermore, it is forbidden to plant, cultivate, or allow the growth of trees or shrubs which constitute an aerial obstacle, and trees or shrubs which obstruct the approach lighting systems, within the area within the boundary surfaces. Aerial obstacles are understood as objects which are:
- higher than the heights determined by the bound surfaces,
- with a height from 100m above the surrounding area or water,
- occurring in the line of the runway,
- other objects, which as a result of evaluation and analysis have been recognised by the President of the Civil Aviation Authority as a potential threat to aircraft traffic.
Each new fixed (buildings, structures) or temporary object (cranes) in the vicinity of the airport require an assessment in order to determine whether the object creates an unacceptable risk to the safety of flight operations.
Under Art. 87 par. 3 of the Aviation Law Act, the consent for the establishment of a permanent object, the height of which exceeds the amount determined by the regulations limiting obstacles, is granted by manner of an administrative decision by the President of the Civil Aviation Office.
Civil Aviation Office
ul. Marcin Flis 2
02-247 Warsaw
Under Art. 87 par. 4 of the Aviation Law Act, it is permissible to place temporary objects following an agreement, with regards to parameters and the location of the object, from airport management and the Polish Air Navigation Service Agency (PANSA).
To obtain an agreement on the conditions for the foundation of a temporary object at the airport or in its vicinity, the following rules are applied:
- The body applying to place a temporary object (e.g. crane) must send a request to the Airport Operations Duty officer which consists of the application and map/depiction of the localization of the object.
Example of marking on the map
- The Airport Operations Duty officer verifies parameters and localization of the reported object in terms of violation of the boundary surface and impact on the safety of air operations. In what follows, depending on the situation:
- for objects which do not cross the boundary surface and do not pose a threat to the safety of air operations, the Airport Operations Duty officer gives a written permission to place a temporary object at the airport or in its vicinity
- for objects which cross the bound surface, or which do not cross the bound surface, but can pose a threat to the safety of air operations, the Airport Operations Duty officer informs the applicant about the necessity of approving conditions of placement of the temporary object with the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency.
Polish Air Navigation Services Agency
ul. Wieżowa 8
02-147 Warsaw
Detailed information and the PANSA application form are available on
- After receiving the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency’s opinion about the impact of the planned object on flight procedures, the applying body sends information to the Airport Operations Duty officer. The Airport Director, or his or her assistant, or the Duty Service Manager makes the decision on behalf of the airport; in the absence of the aforementioned, the Airport Operations Duty officer is decision-making.
In accordance with § 52 (1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 January 2021 on Air Traffic Obstacles, Obstacle Limitation Surfaces and Dangerous Devices, the construction of an object referred to in art. 87 (4) of the act is allowed, within the boundaries of:
- approach or climb area, for a period of time which does not exceed 12 months,
- obstacle containment area other than areas referred to in point 1, for a period of time which does not exceed 24 months
- The Airport Operations Duty officer informs the applicant in writing (letter or e-mail) about the given permission for the construction of a temporary object which is an aerial obstacle, and about the applicant’s responsibility to report the agreement between the airport manager and PANSA to the President of the Civil Aviation Authority.
- Airport Operations Duty officer submits the permissions or rejections into the respective register.
More information regarding the possibility of location and work of cranes in the vicinity of the airport are available from the Port Operative Duty Officer:
+48 32 39 27 262
+48 602 746 066
Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Lotnicze S.A.
Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy „Katowice” w Pyrzowicach
ul. Wolności 90
42-625 Ożarowice