On 16 September 2024 (Monday), Katowice Wojciech Korfanty International Airport commenced the construction of the multimodal goods and fuel delivery hub with railway siding connection. The investment is co-funded by the European Union as part of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 2021-2027 Military Mobility.

The event was graced by, among others, Maciej Lasek – secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure, Government Plenipotentiary for CPK, Wojciech Saługa – marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship, Marcin Krupa – president of Katowice – Andrzej Ilków – prisdent of the board at Polskie Porty Lotnicze SA, and Artur Tomasik – president of the board at The Upper Silesian Aviation Group (GTL S.A.), the company managing Katowice Airport.

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As part of the investment, construction works will take place in the south-eastern part of Katowice Airport, resulting in the creation of a rail unloading front with three unloading tracks (each 300 metres long), which will be used for loading goods and fuel. It will abut four 1000 m³ tanks and unloading stands for fuel trucks, as well as a ramp allowing to unload containers and military equipment. In the area of the hub located in the restricted part of the airport, stands with fuelling pumps for aviation fuel trucks will be created. The entire installation will be connected with railway line 182 (Tarnowskie Góry - Zawiercie) via a railway siding.

The investment is carried out by a consortium formed by Mostostal Kraków SA and Budimex SA. The project is worth PLN 117.3M net.

In accordance with the schedule, "Construction of a multimodal goods and fuel delivery hub with railway siding connection at Katowice Airport" should conclude by 30 June 2026 at the latest. The project received co-funding from the European Union under "Connecting Europe Facility" (CEF) 2021-2027 Military Mobility; the grant constitutes up to 50% of eligible costs.

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