Green adaptation of surface facing passenger terminals at Katowice Airport has concluded. The project was carried out as part of LIFE Archiclima project.
As part of the project, 74 trees and bushes were planted, eight rain gardens were created to collect rainwater from the car park area, two green public transport stops were installed, a green wall was built on the facade of passenger terminal C and 2 green pergolas were erected.

The new green areas include more than 3,000 perennials, more than 1,000 sq m of climbers shading the space both outside and inside the building in the café area. In addition, around 1,000 sq m of heated asphalt have been removed and given back their place to nature.

The cost of the investment is PLN 1.3 million net. The project is financed by the European Union under the LIFE Programme and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

The leader of the LIFE Archiclima project is Investeko SA. Probuild Services was the main contractor. The construction of the green areas in accordance with the Archiclima project was handled by the Calla company.
