Remediation of the former post-military fuel facility site at Katowice International Airport in Pyrzowice

Total value: 5 769 500.89 PLN
WFOŚiGW funds: 5 130 000.00 PLN
The aim of the task was to carry out remediation due to the discovery of historical land contamination in the area of the post-military fuel facility site located by the south-eastern border of Katowice International Airport in Pyrzowice.
Analysis of the long-term development of Katowice International Airport in Pyrzowice

On November 24, 2008, the European Commission adopted Decision No. K (2008) 6965 on granting financial aid from the TEN-T budget for the Project: "Analysis of the long-term development of Katowice International Airport " in Pyrzowice, No. 2007-PL-92105-S . On 24 September 2010, the European Commission adopted Decision No. K (2010) 6694 modifying the previous Decision.
On March 24, 2009, an Implementation Agreement was concluded between the Minister of Infrastructure (Managing Authority for the TEN-T program) and the Upper Silesian Aviation Group, defining the rights and obligations of the Managing Authority and the Beneficiary for the implementation and management of the Project and for the settlement of Community financial assistance granted for its implementation.
The project aimed to prepare analyses related to the long-term development of International Airport "Katowice" in Pyrzowice and to present a general plan for the development of the airport. The implementation of the Project has contributed to the undertaking of actions that will affect the achievement of greater Port capacity in the area of passenger service with an increased level of protection. Implementation of the Project has strengthened the status of the airport, both on a national and international scale.
The estimated total costs of the project amounted to EUR 0.84 million. KatowiceAirport in Pyrzowice received non-returnable financial assistance from the TEN-T budget in the amount of EUR 0.34 million for the following design and study works of future investments:
- preparation of a general plan for Katowice International Airport
- analyses regarding infrastructure development, including:
- plan and design of the apron for distressed planes along with the preparation of documentation of the apron (stand) for de-icing aircraft,
- plan of modernisation of the drainage system at the airport,
- plan and design of the observation tower for the fire brigade together with coordination centre,
- plan and design of new technical channels and patrol roads,
- plan and design of a new maintenance hangar,
- geographical information system (SIG) project for the control of runway conditions,
- and an external audit of the Project.
Safety and protection of air transport

Priority VIII: Transport safety and national transport networks
ACTION: 8.4. Safety and protection of air transport
The main objective of the priority is to improve the security and communication accessibility of Poland and national interregional connections located outside the TEN-T network and selected sections of roads covered by this network. The specific objectives of the priority are improvement in road safety, improvement of the state of national roads outside the TEN-T network and selected sections of roads covered by this network, improvement of traffic management, improvement of safety in air transport.
On 08.12.2009, The Upper Silesian Aviation Group signed an agreement on co-financing the implementation of the project entitled "Purchase of special vehicles to improve the safety of Katowice International Airport" with the Center for EU Transport Projects. The project included the purchase of:
- Airport rescue and firefighting immediate intervention 4x4 vehicle,
- Airport heavy rescue and fire-fighting 6x6 vehicle,
- Airport de-icer and spreader for de-icing of operating areas,
- Airport sweeper for summer maintenance.
The total cost of the project was PLN 10 028 725.98 (including VAT). Co-financing from EU funds under the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 85% of eligible costs amounted to - PLN 7 083 683.51. The goal of the project was toincrease the level of airport security and the efficiency of the services responsible for the maintenance of the operational area, internal roads, maneuvering areas as well as adaptation to standards resulting from existing national and EU legal acts.
Katowice Airport - modernistion and extension of port and airport infrastructure

The project included two tasks:
- Extension of apron 1 towards the east along with the modernisation of taxiways E1, E2 and D.
The task was completed in June 2013. In total, as part of this investment, 15 ha of new airport surfaces were created. Simultaneously, thirteen medium-distance aircraft: 10 C-code airplanes (eg. Airbus 320) and 3 D-code (Boeing 757) or alternatively 7 C-code and 5 D-code aircraft can stand on the new apron 110 000m2 in area. Taxiways E1, E2 and D have been modernised as part of the investment, in which 39 000m2of new airport surfaces were created. In doing so, the above-mentioned taxiways were adapted for servicing wide-bodied aircraft with reference code E (eg Boeing 747 "Jumbo Jet").
- Construction of a new runway and necessary infrastructure.
The project began in December 2012. The operational launch of the new runway took place on May 28, 2015. The new runway measures 3200 metres in length and 45 metres in width. The area of the new runway along with the layout of the main taxiways L, N, R and S amounts to 208 500m2. The new runway is equipped with light and radio navigational aids that enable performing flight operations in CAT II, i.e. with the visibility along the runway not less than 300m and a so-called decision height below 60m, but not lower than 30m. METEO system devices have also been installed along the runway, including an ICE ALERT system to alerting to ice on the runway surface.
More information on the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment can be found at:
Expansion of the infrastructure to increase the operational capabilities of Katowice International Airport

The project is co-financed from the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, which includes significant investments, implemented in the most important sectors of the economy, which are of key importance for the development of Poland. The value of the project amounted to PLN 148 052 094. The co-financing amount was 50% of eligible investment costs, that is 57 381 259 PLN.
Tasks implemented as part of the project "Expansion of infrastructure to increase the operational capabilities of Katowice International Airport" are:
- Modernisation of the existing hangar
- Construction of a new hangar
- Organization of water and sewage management. Stage I - modernisation of the drainage system at the airport
- Construction of the new CARGO base - Stage I (construction of the apron and taxiway E0)
- Construction of the arrivals terminal
- Organisation of water and sewage management - Stage II - construction of an aircraft de-icing stand
More information on the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment can be found at: